Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday Z, M, & C!!!!

The birthday boy woke up with a smile
Cinnamon rolls with candles for breakfast
They aren't so sure about it!!
Z blowing out her candle.
Getting their gifts from us
I surprised them with a field trip to Bud's Best Cookies. They had NO idea where we were going until we walked into the factory and they smelled the cookies. We all had to wear hair nets so we wouldn't contaminate the cookies.
We sat right behind the engineer of the CookieLand Express. We rode through the cookie factory, got to taste fresh cookies, and take home some bags of cookies. We met Daddy for lunch at Chappy's Deli and did a little shopping afterwards. The girls had a soccer game that night and C had Boy Scouts. Overall, I think they had a pretty great birthday!!


The girls decided that they would like to play soccer this fall. We found a wonderful Christian league not too far from our house and they were put on a team with several of their friends. They are the Green Goblins! Only 2 of the kids on their team have played b/4 and the other 5 have not. As of right today (10/29), they have only won one game but they have played their little hearts out!!

Z, our lefty, warming up
M, our little athlete, also warming up
M dribbling the ball down the field.
M, in the middle, and Z right behind her. The yellow team that they are playing has 5 out of 7 kids on their team that have played b/4. They have beat us every time!
Sisterly love
M scoring her 1st goal!!! We won against this team!
This is how C passes his time during each game.
Daddy and his girls after their 1st (and only) big win!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Steele Apple Orchard

In September, we joined other families from our home school co-op at the Steele Apple Orchard in Cullman. We were able to tour the apple orchard, and they had 4 stations set up for us to learn more about apples and their farm. After the tour, the kids each received a goody bag with an apple, apple crisps, and a coloring sheet of Johnny Appleseed.
At the 1st station, the kids got to listen to a bee keeper and see the inside of a hive.
Next, they listened to one of employees talk about the life cycle of an apple tree and taste different apples. They also got to see an apple peelers/corer in action.
Next, they went inside and got to pick apples from a large crate and put them in the "washing machine". They also learned the ABC's of apples.
A= Awesome to eat
B= Bruised but good for Baking
C= perfect for the Critters
Watching the apples come out all fresh and clean.
Lastly, they got to go outside for apple painting.
They were showing off their apple prints
C with the Bee Lady. He is trying to pull her stinger out.
Z sticking out her imaginary stinger
M just posing

Another tooth lost

I have lost count on how many teeth C has lost.
Another little one on the bottom gone!!!!!!!

Our little Cub Scout

C decided to join the Cub Scouts this year. Doesn't he look handsome?

Field trip to Huntsville Space & Rocket Center

I had to work at my annual fall consignment sale, so Ben took the day off from work and took the kids to the Huntsville Space & Rocket Center. While there, they also attended the Star Wars exhibit, which made C's day!!
C completing a challenge
The main "figure" C wanted a picture with
More of their favorite characters
A space ride.....Z is on the far right...C is in the middle in black and M is beside him.
Since Ben was in charge of the camera and watching the kids, there aren't many pictures from this trip but they did have a blast and learn a lot about space.

First day of school

On August 11th, I started home schooling the kids for 1st grade. We spent the summer picking out our curriculum and attending home school workshops. The kids were really excited about me being their teacher and Ben and I felt really strongly that this is what God called us to do.
A shot of the school room
Their 1st lesson

Showing off writing their names on "magic paper"


The kids signed up for gymnastics in July of 2009 and they participated for a full year. In that year, they were taught how to do a "correct" forward roll, backwards roll, handstand forward roll, handstand, back bend, cartwheel, walk on a balance beam, pull up on the uneven bars and flip over it, and many other things. They had full access to the gym and each lesson, they rotated stations with peers of the same gymnastic skills/ability. M caught on really fast and was the first to learn how to do a back bend and a cartwheel. She was placed in the group just under the advanced girls (who could do round-offs and cartwheels on the balance beam). C and Z usually stayed in the same group which was kind of in the middle. C learned to do a back bend and a not so pretty cartwheel. Due to Z's poor upper body strength, she never mastered the back bend or cartwheel but she had fun trying.
Z attempting her cartwheel and C getting ready to do his.
M doing her cartwheel with her instructor looking on.
C on the uneven bars and Z waiting her turn on the trampoline.
M on the balance beam
C on the balance beam
Z on the balance beam

Basketball camp in July

I am REALLY far behind in updating our blog. Life has been SUPER BUSY since July. The kids were very fortunate to attend a week long basketball camp at BSC that lasted from 9:00-4:00 each day. It was a nice break for me and a great opportunity for them to learn a new sport and make new friends.

C is wearing red and holding the ball and Z is on the far right in red.
C doing his dribbling drills
Megan doing her dribbling drills.
Z doing her dribbling drills.
The girls practicing "soft hands"
C with his "I don't know what to do" look.
The last day was awards day & all three of them won a little mini basketball for good sportsmanship & they got to keep the large basketball as well. They had a really great time and learned a lot, not only about basketball but how to be a good sport when your team doesn't win.